Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Moment - Racism

"If you do find someone who does not even have a tiny speck of vile thing called [RACIST] in that person heart, either against something, somebody, religion, races, opinion and color, do tell me, excluded newborns to 13 years old children in this third millennium , I will show you how to make gold with grass."

"If you do think that racism can be eliminated, I will show you a flying hippo"

"Racism can be tolerated and accepted to a certain degree but cannot be eliminated. Eliminating racism is the paragon of human delusion"

"If you think extra terrestrial will come down to earth and not mass genocide us after studying our world histories, I will show you how to jump to Alpha Centauri with warp hole. We can't even get along with ourselves in this freaking tiny speck of dust called earth, in the edge of freaking milky way galaxy, and you expect us to get along with entirely different species? Humor me."

"Everyone is a hypocrite to a certain degree, if you ask me. Even hate is racism in its simplest form"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Moment - Ponder

A fully human life is not a reflective existence but an acting one...

Moment - Democracy of Something

There is always enough room for democracy of feelings, perceptions and ideas.

The question is, can you be fair?

Moment - Essence of A Leader

This I found in a book, but forgot which one ;

A Leader :

Learn as much as you can,as quickly as you can and share your knowledge aggressively. Expand your network of people who share your values and connect as many of them with each other as possible.

And perhap most important, be as openly human as you can be and find the courage to express genuine emotion in the harried , pressure - filled world of work.

Moment - I, Me, Myself

I am a person who has calculated yet abstract mind.
For example, if I see a trap, I can choose either to fall for the trap,
or not to fall to the trap.
Yet, I am not stupid,
but rather listen only to myself,
asking myself what I want to do,
or what I will do.

Moment - Lakota Shaman

"Only human beings come to a point where they no longer know why they exist. They don't use their brains and they have forgotten the secret knowledge of their bodies, their senses or their dreams"

- Lakota Shaman

Moment - Views

No two people see the world exactly alike. So share your views. It cost nothing and you may gain something interesting. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Moment - Praise

A Praise is like chewing gum. Good to chew and enjoy for a while but not good if swallowed. :)

Moment - Shikata Akiko ~Harmonia~

Shikata Akiko, well, I adore her voice :) If you are lucky enough, get this album. Its worth every penny. Well at least by people who able to listen to this genre of music.