Thursday, February 26, 2009

Moment - Eternity

Of all the living,
Where there lies no forever,
You ask me why?

Even tree live longer than me,
Asking me that infinite question,
Where the answer beyond my finite knowledge.

Asking what beyond human realm,
Longing for eternity,
Lamenting on what is cannot.

And what do you do?
If given the chance of eternity?
Where only desperation and regret wait?

Human are fragile,
Searching for what is cannot,
Hoping the impossible.

Lies in their heart a bottomless abyss,
Falling slowly,
Dreaming of flying away with wing of miracle.

Running away ,
From desperate reality,
Hoping to escape.

And thus so far,
Who am I?
I am You, a reflection of a finite existent.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Moment - GIFT

A true gift is when both the Giver and the Receiver feel happy. :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Moment - Love

A funny way to answer when people ask you this:

What is Love?

my answer -

Love is like pornography, I don't know how to describe it, but I know when I see it :)

Back to serious thing then,

Parents, receiving love from their children is the best gift they can have from their children. For parents asking more than that is just being plain greedy.